UNESCO World Heritage
Namhansanseong in Gyeonggi-do

Introduction to Namhansanseong Fortress

최종 수정일 : 2024-08-01 14:29

Operational Information on Namhansanseong Provincial Park

  • Please stay on the designated walking trail.
  • Please warm up before walking along the trail.
  • Some sections of the Namhansanseong Trail have steep inclines. Please walk according to your age and physical strength.
  • Check the weather forecast on the day of your walk (weather, sunset time, special weather report, rainfall, snowfall, duration, etc.).
  • In the event of an emergency, please contact the fire service (119), the police (112), and the Namhansanseong World Heritage Centre (031-8008-5155).
  • Do not pick or eat any wild plants. (Chemicals may remain on the plants due to periodic disease prevention measures.)
  • Do not sell street foods illegally along the trail. (There is a risk of food poisoning due to hygiene and cleanliness issues).

In the event of the appearance of a wild boar

  • Do not shout or throw stones or branches to provoke a wild boar.
  • While keeping an eye on the wild boar, slowly retreat to a place out of its sight. (It is dangerous to run away with your back turned.)
  • If a wild boar runs towards you, move to higher ground or climb a tree if possible.
  • Wild boar are more ferocious and dangerous when they are with their young, during the mating period (November to December), and during the lactation period (April to May).

In the event of lightning

  • Do not touch or grab on to the metal structures installed along the trail.
  • Avoid approaching peaks and large trees because there is a greater risk of being struck by lightning when near them.
  • Evacuate to low ground or a hollow area.